
Showing posts from October, 2012

When we watched movies by Tim Upperton

I want to watch one bad movie after another, and when I�ve seen them all I will read all the bad books, the bad, rubbishy books with their stock characters and ridiculous plots, and then I will listen to Europop� no, country music, I�ll listen to Europop and country music and the entire back-catalogue of Celine Dion while I eat triple cheeseburgers, grease running down my chin. I want

On small planes by Fiona Kidman

It�s the same again this weekend, wild weather, rain and delays, and a long way south, suspension on a cloud, books take you everywhere. My epitaph may be that she was a small woman who spent her days in small airports flying on very small aeroplanes to middle-sized towns. Editor: Jennifer Compton I was thrilled to bits to find copies of Fiona�s

'Listening to Glenn Gould on Orton Scar' by Kathleen Jones

From Ravenstonedale driving north on unfenced roads, moonlight reflects the tarmac�s frozen wake across the moor � a snail's trail in my rear-view mirror. Bach unwinds from the c.d. a landscape of variations into this zero night. The grass is white; trees black. The walls run off like staves. The moon fingers each stone separately, in unexpected harmonies and structures, endlessly

just a point man in the ocean by Vaughan Gunson

just a point man in the ocean holding a piece of rope which starts at one point on the shore, arcs out towards the black island rocks, their skirts of white foam billowing up like Marilyn Monroe�s dress long ago, or yesterday distracted by what�s beneath the ocean, to go down diving for � screams of children bring me back, a chorusrising high with each

For John Pule by Karlo Mila

the poet told us there was a beach but a hurricane came and swallowed it up there was also a nation of people but a New Zealand sponsored hurricane just as hungry swept away people like grains of sand with the help of longremembered newfound family he finds the old foundations where hibiscus trees grow wild with memories of his mother using a new machete he follows the old tracks to a!category-topic/google-admob-ads-sdk/game-engines/tkAkuT97FnQ