
Showing posts from July, 2013

Surface, by Peter Munro

Swept among seas that walk downwind, beaks and feathers wheel to hook and pick. Skimming low, fulmars heel and spin speed. Their twines knot the world to its quick. I learn to listen with my skin. Gusts kiss me, whispering their cold. Caressed in tempos that whitecaps kick, rust scours my vessel, fills her holds. She presses into a surface nicked by birds feeding where salt unfolds. Fulmars

Tika by Saradha Koirala

Goodbye takes the form of a blessing. My family press tika on our foreheads rupees into my palm. Mountain-high through time and air the red paint dries, the rice grains fall leaving a trail that could surely lead us home. But sometimes you can't tell what you've seen until you close your eyes and the imprint reveals an inverted world of darkened brights and a pale sky a halo

A Garage by Robert Gray

In one of the side streets of a small hot town off the highway we saw the garage, its white boards peeling among fronds and palings. The sun had cut a blaze off the day. The petrol pump was from the sixties� of human scale and humanoid appearance it had a presence, seemed the attendant of our adventures on the road, the doorman of our chances. We pulled in, for nostalgia, onto

The night I pierced my own belly button by Maria McMillan

Can�t wait to get out of this hole of a town she said. For years we�d been planning our escape. Had compiled a list of compulsory adventures involving our own brilliant selves and various disposable sidekicks in locations ranging from the giant aquarium tank in downtown Monterey to a moonlit bridge in Vietnam arched like a bony cat�s back, to mountains with names only we knew.

planchette by James Norcliffe

at night the rats are bigger than rats they race back and forth like typewriters across the lath and plaster like good little rats they have taken their poison and now grow large with thirst where are their pretty girlfriends or love, the magician? cannot one of these offer them solace or slake? oh qwerty they clatter oh qwerty qwerty as the night grows hard round them desperate in their