"Qoaling", a book of poems by Rethabile Masilo
I'd like those likely to attend readings I'll do in Lesotho to know that I have few books with me. Failed delivery. Please pass the word, and this link to my Amazon page , should anyone want to get a book and have me sign it. I would also like to take this opportunity to officially announce (and this will be done in Maseru as well, live) the publication of my fourth book of poems, "Qoaling". It was published on 17 February 2018, which is my mother's birthday, by the Oxford-based The Onslaught Press. Needless to say, I'm quite excited as I ponder future readings in Europe as well as on the African continent. During this trip I will unfortunately not be able to stopover in Johannesburg. I know quite a few people there who are itching to kill me as they read this. Next time I will have to stop in Jozi for sure, and stay there for a few days. In Lesotho I look forward to reading at Rockview and in Morija (The Hub). I still don't know the dates yet. Voila. Rea...