Twenty-five poems to read again and again

  1. Dark August, by Derek Walcott
  2. Stars of Stone, by Rustum Kozain
  3. You, Therefore, by Reginald Shepherd
  4. Roses and Revolutions, by Dudley Randall
  5. A Girl, by Ezra Pound
  6. Confession, by Geoffrey Philp
  7. Feeling Fucked Up, by Etheridge Knight
  8. Blood, by Naomi Shihab Nye
  9. After Midnight, by Louis Simpson
  10. Telephone Conversation, by Wole Soyinka
  11. Woman, by Nikki Giovanni
  12. Adolescence II, by Rita Dove
  13. Come, by Makhosazana Xaba
  14. Silet, by Ezra Pound
  15. Seeing the Eclipse in Maine, by Robert Bly
  16. Kingdom of Rain II, by Rustum Kozain
  17. Those Winter Sundays, by Robert Hayden
  18. Digging, by Seamus Heaney
  19. Cleaning, by Kwame Dawes (click on the link to access the poem)
  20. The Schooner Flight, by Derek Walcott
  21. Not my Business, by Niyi Osundare
  22. Evening Hawk, Robert Penn Warren
  23. Sunflowers, by Pamela Mordecai
  24. Like Rousseau, by Amiri Baraka
  25. Epitaph, by Dennis Scott


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